All hail King Thomas, Seventh of his Name.
The celestial being known as Thomas joins us in the time of Rona.
Well then, it’s been a bit since I last posted here on Dinosaur Bear. I was thinking it was July or something, nope, turns out it was actually March. Time has gotten away from me in this year of the Rona pandemic (a pandemic Dinosaur Bear predicted back on January 17th for reference, no seriously). Of course regardless of what my own life entails, one must devote oneself to the greater powers that be, and in our case our most spatially proximate entity of omnipresence happens to be a series of pumpkins that manifest for us each year.
This year we find ourselves blessed with the presence of Thomas VII. He came to live with us (or rather, possessed our space for his own endeavors) on September 25th, 2020. He is preceded in house Thomas by Thomas I, Thomas II, Thomas III, Thomas IV, Thomas V, and Thomas VI. Thomas VII has a sticker which claims he is from California, land of Meem, but it’s a safe bet that this sticker was merely materialized by Thomas VII in order to better blend in with the mundane mortal pumpkins.
Sticker or mark of the beast?
As we are in a pandemic I find myself wondering what Thomas may have had to do with that, or, alternatively, if Thomas did not use its godly powers to invoke such death on humankind, then what does Thomas think of such affairs? As we of such simple minds cannot comprehend the glory that is Thomas, we can only wonder and ponder his righteous glory.
One possible scenario of how 2020 will end.
In the meantime, we have adorned the apartment with offerings to Thomas. As Thomas seems to be an aspect of Fall, we generally try to offer up Fall-based goodness in Thomas’s name. This time we offered pumpkin beer (Marble Pumpkin Noir) and a handmade pumpkin candle.
One cannot say if these offerings please Thomas, though as we have not been consumed by his corporeal form I hazard to guess that we have placated the spirit for now. Thomas is a merciful God.
Praise Thomas
Until next time,
Thomas appears to be enjoying the potential apocalyptic end of 2020. Or the world. Not sure which.
We of simple minds never can be sure.
Im always amazed , Another fine read with lots of laughter
Glad you enjoyed it. Always fun writing short little things like this. Had fun making the Thomas photo too. 🙂