If you remember my previous post, you’ll recall that I mentioned I wouldn’t be updating my blog anytime soon. Well, turns out that was definitely true since its been nearly two years since I touched it. If you don’t remember my previous post, then go read it, it’s literally the post right before this one, never-mind the two year gap. [Its titled “The Beginning“]
Returning to the present, I’ve decided to return to my blog. I can’t say for sure how regularly I’ll be “blogging,” but I’ve taken the initiative to at least get the thing back up and running. You’ll also notice that I’ve changed the title and HTML address of my blog. This was done for a couple of reasons. First, while its nice to have my exact name as a blog address, that also poses some inherent privacy issues. Not that I posted anything of any real concern, but given my possible life path (Columbia Drug Lord by day, apprentice to Victor von Doom by night), I figured I should probably be a little more private. Not that I intend for this blog to be especially public, at least until I decide I want to take the time to nom’ ad revenue or something. In light of this, I’ll be using one of my nicknames in place of my real name. Second, and arguably more important is that my old title “13,366.4” miles was nice for that portion of the blog, but it doesn’t really do any justice to this point onward. The problem with looking at distance traveled is that you are always moving forward. Since I last posted I’ve seen a lot more stuff and taken a lot more steps. Does that dilute my past experience? No not at all. But at the same time it is now part of a larger journey. So the name has been changed. If you know anything about me, me at all, the new name (At the time of this post: Dinosaurs, Squirrels, and Bears) will not be surprising. I might change it in the future, but for now it is what it is.
Moving on to other things. I’ll remind you of a few points to keep in mind as you read this blog.
1. As of right now, its written for me, not you. Yes, you. The entire idea behind my blogging at this point is not to make money or even generate traffic. Its to keep a record of my life, because I have a cool life and so do you (if you have a blog-diary, please let me know so I can e-stalk you as well). So generally speaking, when I refer to “You” I’m actually talking to some future version of myself, but due to the magical blend between formal and informal “you” in the English language it works well for anyone else reading it as well.
2. I have horrible spelling and grammar. Believe it or not, I am apparently a pretty good writer. I’ve had articles in journals, written a thesis that scored in the top 5% for the program, as well as wrote essays well enough to get into law school. But that is on my “professional” time (i.e. those periods in which I don’t spend 7 hours journeying down the rabbit hole of Wikipedia after clicking on one link). For this blog, I probably won’t spend much time spell checking or doing grammar, because I don’t like doing it for casual writing, which is precisely what this blog is.
3. I have an odd sense of humor that may or may not be offensive to you at times. Sorry, my blog. Murka’
4. I cannot guarantee I will post frequently, or that my posts will feature amazing stuff on a daily basis. When you aren’t traveling the world or fighting fascism on a regular basis, you kind of have to just blog about whatever you have before you, kind of like a diary, see point 1. I also might will whine sometimes, that is sort of what blogs are for.
5. Feel free to comment on anything, past, present, or future. WordPress tells me when comments come in, so I’ll see it (at some point). HAL becomes angry if too many comments go unnoticed and I really prefer not to be stuck outside the airlock again.
6. Thanks to my Meem for helping me with both this blog and my old one. Plubs.
7. I don’t really have a seventh point, but odd numbers are the number master-race. I guess something important to share for you “others” would be to check the “Recent Posts” to make sure you haven’t missed any posts. I don’t like having billions of posts on one long scrolling page, so if its been a bit since you visited you may have posts that you haven’t seen that aren’t immediately visible. You could always just click “Older Posts” at the bottom as well. OR you could just subscribe over on the side (or bottom) of the page.
I think I’ll wrap things up there for now. This serves as a nice return post. I liked my habit of closing with a picture, so I’ll try to continue that. At least when I have a cool picture to share. This post has no pictures that would really relate to it, so here is a random photo of a Douglas A-4F Skyhawk II, this particular plane was a Blue Angel. Photo was taken at the Boeing Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA.
Until next time,
You are welcome. That’s what Meems are for. Plubs